You’ll probably see people in jeans, khakis, dresses, but whatever you normally wear will likely fit right in.
Our church strives to be accessible:
For in person congregants, we have a ramp to the main floor at the McLeod entrance, and an elevator to all floors at the parking lot entrance.
For those who can’t be in person for whatever reason, we usually have the option to join the service on Zoom.
We welcome young families!
During the service, child care is available in the nursery for ages 0-3;
We have a flexible worship space in the back of the sanctuary, where wiggly kids can quietly do alternative activities during the service;
Most services include a conversation with the children, where kids can come up to the front for a story aimed at their level.
Every Sunday, we sing! We come from a decidedly musical history, so our worship often includes songs from a variety of styles and eras… but we do love our hymns.
Sermons are about 15 to 20 minutes long. We aim to be intellectually honest and accessible in all our teaching.
We are a community that prays for one another. In every service, we deliberately make room for anyone to sharewhat’s going on… and we pray.
On the first Sunday of the month, we celebrate Communion.
Specific instructions are given in the service, and all are welcome to join in as they are comfortable.
If, for whatever reason, you do not wish to partake in Communion, but would still like to participate with the community, there are always grapes up front to take instead.
After worship, you can often find free, fair trade coffee. Stick around and chat!