January 16, 2022 – January 30, 2022

God of All Comfort

Forty per cent of Canadians say their mental health has deteriorated since the onset of the pandemic. Given the ever-changing events around COVID-19, people of all ages and backgrounds are experiencing varying degrees of a normal reaction to an abnormal event. If you are facing unprecedented stress, you are not alone. If you sense feelings of anxiety in those you love, you may have wondered how to help.

How does the God of all Comfort offer us spiritual resources for mental wellness? How do we hear and respond to God when life seems too heavy to bear?

This worship series is based on Mental Health Resources for Church Worship put together by Communitas Supportive Care Society and tested in worship by Emmanuel Mennonite Church (Abbotsford), First United Mennonite Church (Vancouver), Highland MB Church (Abbotsford) and Point Grey Inter-Mennonite Fellowship (Vancouver).