Current Series

Ancient Anchors: Ordinary Time 2024

Creation, covenants, coats of many colours—the Old Testament is filled with stories that have been told for thousands of years. Many serve as “narrative anchors” for both Jewish and Christian faiths.

For some, however, these tales have become so familiar, so routine, that they have lost their ability to surprise, inspire, or guide us. When this happens, do we look elsewhere? Cut them loose? Or might we be able to retrieve these anchoring stories for our present moment?

“Retrieval theology” is discernment that “looks back in order to look forward.” It does not merely repeat an ancient story for its own sake, but rather reforms it, viewing the past from the vantage of the present, through the living Spirit of God, allowing for—even expecting—new insights.

Thus, this September, as we embark on a year of God-centred storytelling following the Narrative Lectionary, we will work to retrieve these ancient stories of the Bible. In doing so, we trust that God will continue to anchor us today as we sail into future waters.