Mary Anne Isaak
Team Members

Mary Anne Isaak
PastorLately, I’ve been learning to watercolor. First, the planning—imagining the picture and sketching it out in pencil. Then the risky, fun part —applying paint to wet paper. It’s the unplanned blending-running-mixing of colors that creates the most beautiful aspects of the painting. For me, being a pastor is a little like watercolor painting. The Scriptures fire my imagination of what the kingdom of God can look like in our congregation. Sketching out the picture comes through conversations and careful planning. And then, like watercolor, beauty is created in the unplanned blending-running-mixing of ideas, dreams, needs and gifts of everyone in church.
I’ve been on the pastoral team at River East MB Church since January, 2011. After mission terms in Congo and Russia, with our denomination, I got my first taste of pastoring in a little Mennonite Church in Vermont, and then for almost 13 years in an MB church in Clovis, California. I’m married to Jon Isaak, and have two adult children, Peter and Rianna. In 2017 the global flavour of our family was enhanced again when Rianna married Benni from Germany.