Hybrid Worship

As of March 13, 2022, we have returned to a blend of in-person and online worship! Here's what you need to know:


 Click here to join our us over Zoom

10:00am Sundays to participate in our liturgy.

If you need assistance setting up Zoom on your device, here is a short tutorial.

Masks are required indoors any time one is not eating, drinking, or speaking into a microphone. We request that all masks be either surgical, N95, or KN95—we are happy to provide N95 masks upon request.


We are not checking vaccination status at this time. That said, we encourage everyone who is eligible to receive vaccination as a tangible way to care for our community.


Please sanitize your hands as you come in the door.


We have regular emails with additional announcements and opportunities.

If you're interested in getting on our mailing list, contact the office at office@rivereastchurch.ca


Online folks:

  • To eliminate technical distractions, please mute yourselves online, and give consent to the sermon being recorded. Only the sermon audio will make it online.
  • (Optional): Gather communion elements to participate in the Lord's Supper.
  • (Optional): Gather a candle / other items to participate in the liturgy.
  • Our audio and video are coming to you through different Zoom accounts. In order to have a visual to match what you are hearing, track down the REC Pulpit cam or the REC Roving cam and pin them to your screen.
    • On desktop, that's done by clicking the 3 dots in the corner of the Pulpit / Roving cam screen and selecting 'pin.'
    • On tablet or mobile, this is achieved through double-tapping the screen you wish to pin.
    • You'll know you've done it right when there is a little 'pushpin' icon.
  • When it comes to sharing time, we'll start with the congregation on Zoom, and then move to the congregation in person. For Zoom folks, either raise your hand so we can see you want to speak and turn the audio on in the building, or type your message in the chat and we'll read it for you.
  • Note that we are projecting you into the sanctuary so the in-person congregation can better feel your presence among us. We will do our best to pan the Roving Camera throughout the service so you can see us as well.
  • It can be helpful to re-size windows during screen sharing.

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